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Two key issues of our current soceities concern i) the transition to renewable energy fluxes by developing new and sustainable energy carriers, and ii) the reduction of atmospheric greenhouse-gas levels.

This project addresses both issues making use of catalytically active transition-metal nanoclusters. It endeavours the synthesis of stable transition-metal particles down to the size of single atoms by the application of customised metal-organic frameworks as supporting scaffolds. The obtained composites will have enhanced CO2, CH4 and H2 storage, destabilisation and conversion properties.




The first manuscript related to this project has been published in Chemical Communications.

Manuscript accepted!

Dr Szilágyi invited speaker

at the HYDEM2016 conference on hydrides as energy materials

at the MH2016 conference on metal-hydrogen systems

Dr Szilágyi invited speaker

Dr Szilágyi is recipient of a Media Fellowship by the British Science Association. She will attend a placement at Nature  this summer.

Media Fellowship

The group welcomes Anne.

Ms Anne Keller is a visitor from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and she will be training in the synthesis of metal-MOF composites.

Erasmus+ Grant

Dr Szilágyi is recipient of an Erasmus+ mobility grant. She will visit the Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis Group at Utrecht University, the Netherlands.

Dr Szilágyi invited speaker

Dr Szilágyi invited speaker


5th International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials

Lisbon, Portugal

Mr Omotoyosi Phillips is a graduate in chemical engineering from University College London.

His PhD topic will be based on the EPSRC projects 'Ultra-small Metal Particles for the Storage and Conversion of CO2, CH4 and H2'

The group welcomes Toyosi.

Mr Billy Luff, Fuad Ahmed and Mose El Dabh are carrying out their BSc science projects in the lab. They will be working on the design and synthesis of geometry-controlled supported nanoclusters for energy conversion and storage.

The group welcomes Billy, Mose and Fuad.

Dr Szilágyi is recipient of international exchange grant  of the Royal Society with Prof Petra de Jongh from thhe Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis Group at Utrecht University, the Netherlands.

Royal Society International Exchange Grant

Manuscript accepted!

 Manuscript on the immobilisation of single Pd atoms on a MOF framework published in the Journal of Materials Chemistry A

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