Dr Petra Ágota Szilágyi
Dr Szilágyi obtained her PhD degrees in 2008, since 2015 she is a senior lecturer in Materials Chemistry at the University of Greenwich.
Her research interest consists in exploring the size regime beyond the nanoscale for energy applications.
Nanoscience and nanotechnology
Supported nanocluster
University Eötvös Loránd (Hungary)
PhD in Chemistry
University Paul Sabatier (France)
PhD in Physics/Nanophysics
Coordination compounds
Metal-organic frameworks
Alternative and synthetic fuels
Conversion of CH4 and CO2
H2 storage
The Chemistry of Energy Conversion
Heterogeneous catalysis
Non-classical complexes
University Eötvös Loránd (Hungary)
MSc in Chemistry
Curtin University (Australia)
University Lecturer
Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands)
Postdoctoral fellow
University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
Postdoctoral fellow
Laboratory of Coordination Chemistry, CNRS (France)
Project coordinator
Laboratory of Coordination Chemistry, CNRS (France)
Postdoctoral researcher
2016: Erasmus Staff Mobility Grant (£1,300)
2016: Higher Education Innovation Funding (£50,000)
2015: EP/N00938X/1 First Grant, EPSRC (£100,297)
2015: Competitive Internal Research Funding (£9,000 )
2015: Small Grant from the Royal Society of Chemistry (£950)
2015: Higher Education Innovation Funding (£5,500)
2013: Internal funding from Curtin University ($10,000)
2013: Short-term Scientific Mission from the European Commission (€1,500)
2010-2011: Research Grant from the Royal Society (£14,800)
2009-2010: Research funding from AXA (€120,000)
Omotoyosi Phillips
Mose El Dabh
Fuad Ahmed
Billy Luff
Project students
Scientific visitors
Anne Keller
Toyosi obtained a Masters degree in Chemical Engineering from UCL.
He started his PhD in October 2016 on the design, synthesis and characterisation of geometry-controlled supported nanocluster catalysts.
Mose is carrying out his BChem project on the synthesis of supported geometry-controlled Cu nanocatalysts
Billy is carrying out his BChem project on the design and synthesis of supported nanoclusters for energy conversion.
Fuad is carrying out his BChem project on the design and synthesis of supported nanoclusters for energy conversion.
Anne is currently a postgraduate student at Kalrsruhe University under the supervision of Dr Julia Rinck.
Her project is focussed on the electrochemical assessment of metal-laden MOFs.